Massive Earthquake hits Turkie with over 1300 people reorted dead.
Disaster Aid Europe has strong links with local Rotarians and is in contact with them to identify ways DAI partners can help.
In addition to the post about Disaster Aid Europe here is some information about the actions of other DAI partners
Although Disaster Aid USA are busy with Tornado damage in their South East they are also commited to supporting the Ukraininan people.
They have shipped to DA Europe:
In partnership with the Rotary Club of Warszawa they have also purchased an ambulance which is being set up before being sent to the Ukraine.
Disaster Aid Canada have raised $10,000 for Sawyer water filters and are currently reviewing shipping tents
Disaster Aid UK and Ireland have sent two DARTs, Peter and Suzie.
They have travelled to the Romanian Border to assist the Rotary Club of Botosani.
During their deployment will also be reviewing the situation for further response actions.
Disaster Aid Australia has provided $10,000 and three SkyHydrants to date, and expect to provide further support for Disaster Aid Europes 2nd Supply mission.
The closest Disaster AId International partner to the Ukraine, Prague based Disaster Aid Europe (DAE), has been in constant contact with Ukrainian Rotarians since the begining of the Crisis.
This has ensured they are clear in what is needed.
DAE has been acting as a collection point for the items needed by the people affected by the crisis.
Aid equipment, and donations for locally purchased materials have been shipped to Prague from:
Last week the first delivery mission set off from Prague to Kosice In Slovakia, close to the Ukraine border.
In Kovice they were deliverd to a emergency warehouse that has been provided by a local Rotarian.
Almost immediatly the materials were transferred to Ukrainian vans.
The vans are operaterd by Ukrainian students who take the equipment over the boder to Uzhorod.
Once in Uzhorod the further distribution in managed by local Rotarians.
You can make a donation to Disaster aid Europe by clicking on the Donate link below:
You can also check if your local Disaster Aid International partner is running a Ukraine Appeal at the following link: Disaster Aid International Partners
Disaster Aid Europe (www.disasteraideurope.com), a project of Rotary Club Prague International, is fundraising to provide humanitarain aid for Ukrainian refugees to the Slovak/Ukrainian border.
Volunteers will be travelling to the border with a trailer of needed items.
It is also hoped to take this humanitarian aid over the border to Rotarians in Uzhorod, Ukraine.
Additionally a Rotary train with 600-700 Ukrainian refugees is soon arriving in Pilsen and Jihlava in the Czech Republic and donations will also help these victims.
Please donate at : www.disasteraideurope.com
The Category 4 Hurricane Henri has hit the USA hard.
In addition to the extensive wind damage life threating storm surge inundation of 3m above ground level is possible across portions of Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee and Ohio Valley.
Disaster Aid volunteer teams have headed to the affected area with their; Emergency Trailers, Boats, and Excavators.
They are also be bringing in supplies of gas, water, generators tools.
Due to the difficulties of transport they have enough supplies to be self-sustaining for the next two weeks.
Following the Albanian Earthquake in 2019 Disaster Aid Europe (DAE) travelled to the country to help.
Following a needs assessment conducted with the Rotary Club of Duress clean water was identified as a key concern.
The first location identified for a Skyhydrant was for students of the university campus in Duress.
This had been close to the earthquake epicentre.
DAE raised the funds and worked with the Rotary Club on the installation.
They were aided by Disaster Aid Australia, who shipped the SkyHydrant, to the partners, and provided technical support via ZOOM.
The unit, which provides clean water for 2000 students, was handed over in July 2021.
Larry, co-founder and Executive Director of Disaster Aid USA, has been has been announced as one of three national finalists for the Volunteer of the Year Award.
The nomination, from the ‘Invest in Others Charitable Foundation‘, comes with a $20,000 donation to DA USA.
If Larry wins the donation will increase to $50,000.
Over the past eleven years, Agee has served as Disaster Aid USA’s Executive Director.
He has also committed countless hours in a variety of capacities including:
Larry aalso took over as the Chair of Disaster Aid International in July 2021 for a two year term.
The Jehai Orang Asli community is located in the Royal Belum Forest.
The Rotary Club of Bandar Utama has been supporting the community for some time
Initially seven homes in the village were destroyed by rampaging wild elephants.
Following the damage the affected villagers initially moved to a houseboat, but this unfortunatly sank in a storm.
Disaster Aid Malaysia have been working with the RCBU and its members to help with the recovery.
Funds contributed have been used to purchase the following tools and building materials:
Following the devasting Beirut port explosion in 2020 Disaster Aid Europe (DAE) have been working with Beirut Rotarians on repairs to the Rosary Hospital.
Stuart Amesbury from DAE has spent the last two weeks In Beirut checking on the progress of the work.
This included the delivery of
You can help Disaster Aid Europe on this humanitarian project by donating at this link: HELP BEIRUT
The 2021 Rotary International Convention will be held on line this year from 12th June.
As part of the Convention there will be a Virtual House of Friendship.
Why not make a point of visiting and check out Disaster Aid International booth?
You will be able to: