Over the past two weeks the horrific extent of India’s COVID crisis has been brought into sharp relief
As at the 5th May reported new cases exceeds 400,000 per day.
Since the Pandemic began 230,000 deaths have been recorded with the official estimates being almost 4,000 deaths every day.

Due to the extreme pressure being placed on the Indian Health services, and many people dying before they can be diagnosed, it is believed that the actual cases and deaths are many times higher than the official figures.
Disaster Aid International, as Rotary based charity aim to work with partners to make a real difference to smaller communities that might otherwise miss out on support.
Typically these are the more rural areas.
Disaster Aid Australia has a relationship with the Rotary Club of Navi Mumbai and the Diganta Swaraj Foundation through a project to provide Safe Water for Every Child to rural schools.
The Diganta Swaraj Foundation and the Rotary Club are currently involved in assisting the districts of Mokhada, Jawhar and Vikramgad in the Palghar region.
Disaster Aid International Support
Disaster Aid Australia has provided a grant to the Diganta Swaraj Foundation to help them purchase vital supplies.
Disaster Aid UK & Ireland and Disaster Aid USA are looking to source oxygen concentrators.
Disaster Aid Canada is also looking at starting a fundraising campaign.
If you can help follow the above links to find out how to donate to your countries Disaster Aid organisation.