Around the World Disaster Aid partners are responding to COVID-19
Disaster Aid Brazil

The Disaster Aid Brazil team aquired hand sanitizer, masks, disposable gloves, and disinfectant.

This has been re-packed by Disaster Aid Brazil volunteers and delivered to all Rotary Clubs in District 4740.
Each clubs will then arrange distribution to hospitals and NGOs across Southern Brazil.
The project was supported by a US$25,000 from the Rotary Foundation Disaster Fund.
Disaster Aid Malaysia
Disaster Aid Malaysia have been working on a joint project with Rotary District 3310.

This has involved purchasing and distributing santizers and face masks.
They are also supporting the needy with supplies of rice.
Disaster Aid USA

Since March 2020, Disaster Aid USA has provided relief aid items worldwide by tapping into factory and supply partners, including contacts in China.

Items include desperately PPE such as medical face masks, KN95 masks, gloves, and gowns.
To date, DAUSA has secured and distributed more than 40,000 PPEs.
Additional units are in route to the United States for Disaster Aid USA’s deployment, bringing their total distribution to: 115,000+.
Rotarians and other community volunteers and donors have been handling all of the distribution of the PPEs.
Distribution has been everywhere from local recreation centers and senior centers to first responders and medical facilities as well as others who are in high need.
Disaster Aid Australia

Disaster AId Australia has been assisting its Philippine partner Balay Mindanaw by;
- Providing grants for the purchase of rice to distribute to needy families.
- Providing a SkyHydrant to a displaced persns camp to allow access to clean water.
Disaster Aid Canada

Disaster Aid Canada has just begun an appeal to help the Mayan Villagers in the Lake Atitlán area of Guatemala. They have been working with these people for several years and have contacts who can bring them food and aid. They are in danger of starvation due to the COVID-19 lockdown of their villages. to Help you can donate through –
This project has also been supported by grants from Disaster Aid Australia and Disaster Aid UK and Ireland.